Bob Shigemoto Sportsmanship Award
Our 2024 winner is Emma Heinemann, a junior at Amador.

About the Bob Shigemoto Award
Bob Shigemoto coached with PGSL for nine years and assisted with various summer Phantom travel teams. He was the epitome of sportsmanship. He truly coached for the girls and enjoyed "friendly" competition within the PGSL coaches' family. Bob always had a smile and a calmness that inspired fellow coaches and players.
Bob passed away in May of 2018, and to recognize and celebrate Bob, the Bob Shigemoto Sportsmanship Award was created.
Each year, coaches from our Senior division nominate at least one player from each team. The award goes to the player who demonstrates the highest level of sportsmanship, always does her best, encourages her teammates, and always has a positive attitude.
The Bob Shigemoto Sportsmanship Award plaque, which includes the names of the current and past winners, is in the display window on the back side of the concession stand at field GSB7.